The main directions of granting of state aid in Poland and its influence on competition


  • Krzysztof Rutkiewicz University of Wrocław



The purpose of this paper is to identify and evaluate major diversion of state aid in Poland in recent years. On this ground there have been formulated proposals for better targeting and using of state aid in Poland in the future. The structure of this article includes: comparative analysis of state aid in Poland and European Union, characteristic of area of support with an indication on the importance of state aid for social and economic development of Poland. It especially took into consideration largeness, forms and allocations of state aid. There have been also evaluate the effectiveness of the actions and effects of state aid granted in the sphere of competition.


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How to Cite

Rutkiewicz, K. (2008). The main directions of granting of state aid in Poland and its influence on competition. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 1(1-2), 161-170.