Chosen stimulators and barriers of company restructuring process


  • Mateusz Mrówka University of Economics in Katowice



The subject matter of the following summary is looking at the company restucturing through a prisim of factors determining its completion. Researches of the analysed thematic area point out various factors that determine. The sussess of company restructuring process. Some claim that these are changes in the company surroundings that make the main stimulator of taking such decisions. Others indicate inefficient and ineffective model of organisation functioning as the main barrier of stategic changes completion. The aim of the summary is a compilement of chosen stimulators and restructuring process barriers (basing on the literature and chosen European countries researches) as well as an estimation of its influence on restructuring completion process.


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Restructuring of Polish enterprises

How to Cite

Mrówka, M. (2008). Chosen stimulators and barriers of company restructuring process. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 1(1-2), 91-99.