Marketing activity of baking industry companies functioning in Czestochowa region as a condition of their development


  • Agnieszka Puto Czestochowa University of Technology



Along with the development of the society?s economic status, the consumers? preferences and nutritional needs also change. At the moment, not only do the consumers pay attention to the product price, but also to its wholesomeness, nutritional vale and ecological aspects. In market economics, the customer, who is often ? with reason ? described as the ?king of the market?, is in the centre of interest of company managers. The knowledge about the customer?s behaviour and the factors which shape such behaviour has become the priority among the interests of marketing, which aims at the satisfaction of the consumer?s needs. Therefore, the permanent process of improving the marketing activity of baking industry companies is the key condition for their development. The objective of this thesis is the analysis of the marketing activity of companies functioning on the baker?s product market, using the example of the Częstochowa market. The author tried to evaluate the influence of particular marketing instruments on the development of the examined companies.


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Contemporary marketing

How to Cite

Puto, A. (2009). Marketing activity of baking industry companies functioning in Czestochowa region as a condition of their development. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 2(1), 125-133.