Low Carbon Economy Policy in Poland: an Example of the Impact of Europeanisation


  • Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse Polish Academy of Science




low carbon economy, europeanisation, EU Climate and Energy Package


Poland has made a commitment to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by ratifying the Kyoto Protocol and by participating in the climate policy of the European Union (EU). EUClimate and Energy Package (CEP), which was negotiated in 2008 and has been successively introduced into the EUlegal system. The CEP introduces much stricter require­ments for the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and imposes higher costs on the adjust­ment of Polish energy sector and other sectors of Polish economy to the requirements of the EUlaw. The influence of the EUon the Member States during the course of European integra­tion is described in the literature of the subject as europeanisation. In this study Iwill analyse the influence on the policy of the Polish government with respect to stimulating the develop­ment of low carbon economy (including industry).


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Sustainable Development After the Crisis

How to Cite

Grosse, T. G. (2011). Low Carbon Economy Policy in Poland: an Example of the Impact of Europeanisation. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 6(1), 9-39. https://doi.org/10.12775/EQUIL2011.001

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