Synergistic evaluation of energy security and environmental sustainability in BRICS geo-political entities: An integrated index framework
climate change, economics of renewable energy source, BRICS energy security, environmental sustainability index, SDGsAbstract
Research background: The increasing demand for energy, driven by economic growth and population expansion, is a critical driver of societal progress. However, the predominant reliance on fossil fuels to meet this demand presents significant challenges, particularly in the rapidly developing BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). These countries are faced with a complex interplay of energy security and environmental sustainability issues, stemming from their substantial fossil fuel reserves and the associated environmental consequences. The challenges manifest as inequalities in access to clean energy, environmental degradation, and heightened vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. Addressing these multifaceted issues requires a comprehensive approach. Metrics-based strategies, which employ aggregated indices derived from a diverse set of energy and environmental indicators, have the potential to provide valuable insights into these complexities. However, the development of a universally applicable energy sustainability index is complicated by the heterogeneity of metrics, disparities between countries, and methodological challenges, emphasizing the need for an innovative and holistic analytical framework.
Purpose of the article: This study aims to develop a tailored Energy Security and Environmental Sustainability Index for BRICS economies to evaluate the robustness of their energy systems and the viability of their ecological practices. The index serves as an instrument to assess the progress of these nations in the Energy and Environment domain and identify areas that require targeted interventions and improvements.
Methods: The construction of the composite ESESI involves the selection of relevant parameters and the application of a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) framework in conjunction with the Weighted Product Method (WPM). To ensure objectivity in the determination of optimal and least favorable weights for each indicator, the study employs the Multiplicative Data Envelopment Analysis (MDEA) model.
Findings & value added: The ESESI analysis reveals disparities in the progress made by BRICS nations in enhancing energy security, promoting renewable energy deployment, and mitigating environmental impacts. While some countries demonstrate substantial advancements, others face challenges in improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. The study underscores the necessity for tailored policies and targeted infrastructural enhancements that align with the unique challenges and strengths of each nation. Harnessing the abundant renewable energy potential through advanced energy trade mechanisms and fostering cross-border investments are identified as crucial strategies for ensuring environmental sustainability and long-term energy in the BRICS region. The ESESI provides a valuable tool for policymakers and researchers to evaluate the progress of BRICS nations in achieving sustainable energy goals and to inform evidence-based decision-making processes. By offering a comprehensive and scientifically rigorous assessment framework, this study contributes to the ongoing discourse on sustainable energy transitions and environmental stewardship in the context of rapidly developing economies.
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