State aid and competitiveness of the hard coal mining industry in the European Union


  • Izabela Jonek-Kowalska Silesian University of Technology



state aid, competitiveness of industries, hard coal mining industry in Poland and the EU, Polish mining enterprises


The hard coal mining industry in the European Union (EU) is in decline, mostly due to a lack of price competitiveness. It is maintained, to a great extent, by state aid; the key objective of the industry?s existence is to provide energy security and guarantee employment in the mining regions. In Poland, the hard coal mining industry is currently undergoing a serious crisis that threatens the two largest mining enterprises with bankruptcy. In addition, due to the European Union?s restrictions concerning the circumstances of granting state aid, these enterprises cannot count on the financial support for the repair restructuring that they used on a large scale until 2011. Therefore, in this article, the main objective is to determine the influence of state aid on the competitiveness of the hard coal mining industry in 12 countries of the EU, including Poland in specific.  In order to achieve the stated objective, the article is divided into three parts. The first part consists of a literature review, and legal regulations that are related to state aid for the hard coal mining industry in the EU are presented. The second part identifies the amount of state aid for the mining industry in the examined countries. Next, the economic effects of state aid for hard coal mining in the European Union are examined. The third assesses the financial results of 24 Polish hard coal mines.


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Government role in economy

How to Cite

Jonek-Kowalska, I. (2015). State aid and competitiveness of the hard coal mining industry in the European Union. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 10(1), 69-87.

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