Research, development and innovations in Czech manufacture of electronic products
small & medium-size enterprises, R&D tax deductible, R&D investment, electronic industryAbstract
The paper deals with the topic of research and development investments and its use in small and medium-sized enterprises SME?s operating in the electronic industry. The aim of the article is to find out the impact of innovation activities on enterprises, especially the influence of the sources of funding for the research activity. The Czech Republic is the geographic segment to be explored. A chapter on theoretical issues is followed by a description of the current situation in the Czech Republic and abroad, and access to legal support for research and development in the business sector. Primary data collected from a survey are analysed in the analytical part. The statistical data processing was done using Statistica 12 software. Some SME?s of chosen group of manufacturing industry focus on research and development performed by their own means, and they searched for the possibility of financing the research from various sources.
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